In 2012, Lynn Renne met Patrick Odoyo of Dago, Kenya. Patrick was living in Evansville, Indiana and wanted to make an impact back in his home village in Africa. His dream was for the children in his village to be educated and healthy.
When Lynn met Patrick, and learned more about him and the village of Dago, her desire was to help his dream to see children "educated and healthy" become a reality. She began working with Patrick and his family in Dago to build a Child Sponsorship Program within the village. The program started small with just 11 children being served in 2015 through an early education initiative. It was started in honor and memory of Nancy Woodruff who had visited Dago in 2014 and 2015 and she caught the vision of what the program sought to do. Her desire was to help make this dream come to pass!
Fast forward to today, we are now serving over 100 children (ages 3-6) in the Early Childhood Development (ECD) Program. Caring for them, nourishing their minds and bodies and hopefully making an impact that goes far beyond this life and generation. This partnership and dream has blossomed not only into many children's lives impacted in Dago, but also the many lives impacted throughout the U.S., of those who have been sponsors and who have traveled to visit the kids.
We are grateful the program is more vibrant than ever. We are excited to watch the vision continue to grow and make an impact. Short-term mission trips take place twice a year to visit the children and form connections for the sponsors and their sponsor child. A water filtration project was initiated in 2022. The village and children of Dago are seeing the beauty of people coming together to serve a cause greater than self.